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Szechuan Ninja Hunt
This term in Maths we have been inquiring into location and mapping. This stemmed from receiving a very important email with a mission to find the true story of how the Szechuan Ninjas originated. The students were emailed a map which they were to follow and discover the secret scroll which entailed the great story of the Szechuan Ninjas.
Here is are some photos of the great search for the ancient scroll.
Once the students located the treasure box they came across a problem, it was locked! The students then participated in a thinking routine to explore what they think might be in the treasure box and any wonders they have.
The following day down at Merri Creek Jack and Maxine discovered a secure code lock which they thought might hold the key to the treasure box. With great excitement we brought this back to the school and the students attempted to crack the code.
Through persistence they were able to discover the 3 digit code and open the key lock. To all of our amazement the key unlocked the treasure box and the ancient scroll was revealed with the story of the Szechuan Ninjas.
Jerome loved this activity!!! Great work!