Enter our Learning Community of a Thursday morning and you will be lucky enough to experience the true magic of Anne and Kerrie at work - some of our amazing parents who run creative movement workshops with us each week.
This incredible opportunity for students to express themselves freely and creatively through drama, dance and movement has been a real favourite and this is no more evident than through the huge smiles, laughs and pure joy on students' faces as they participate.
So far this term, the students have been involved in a cup class, bowl class, mechanics class, autumn class and Jack and the bean stalk themed class and we can really only sum it up through this quote from one of the kids when they had finished a creative movement class...
"That was SOOOO AWESOME!!!"
If you'd like to find out more about Move Create Dance with Anne, check out the details below:
Website: www.movecreatedance.com
Facebook page: Move Create Dance
Email: movecreatedance@gmail.com
“You got to make machines and you could decide what your machine is
going to look like”
“Its fun because you can do some dancing”
“You get to do all different types of yoga and it makes you feel stronger”
“I like that we can do all different things and have fun”
“I like it because you get to make shapes with your body and when it was the Autumn class we got to hold a sheet with Autumn leaves and shake them off”
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