Philosophy has evolved this term with students delving deeper as we ask the question WHY?
We now must not only explain what we think and wonder but justify our reasons behind this.
The Preps had a go at exploring this idea through the intriguing artwork by Frederick McCubbin, titled 'The Pioneer'.
I can see... AND WHY?
- Water BECAUSE it looks blue and glassy in the background and water looks like this.
- An axe BECAUSE it's the shape of an axe that I've seen in a book.
- A town BECAUSE I can see shapes that look like buildings.
- A carriage BECAUSE there looks like there are horses near it.
- Poor people, BECAUSE she looks like she is thinking maybe about money.
- A grave, BECAUSE it is a cross and graves have crosses.
- Sticks, BECAUSE they are skinny and are that shape.
- A chimney, BECAUSE they are on the top of houses and the house has something on the top .
I think... AND WHY?
- The woman lives in the forest and then the man came BECAUSE the carriage looks like it's coming from the town.
- The last picture is actually the first and the first is the last BECAUSE it's day time in the last painting and night time in the first.
- There has been a bushfire that has burnt down houses BECAUSE no one is in the house and there are not many houses.
- There is a sunset BECAUSE through the trees it looks pink and sunsets are pink.
- The people don't live in the forest BECAUSE the white house is very close and I think they live there.
- The man is old BECAUSE he has beard.
- The man is puzzled BECAUSE he has his hand on his chin and people who are puzzled do this.
- There is a dead rat BECAUSE there is a grave.
- The man is puzzled BECAUSE he is having a confusing conversation and that's how you look.
- The man is puzzled BECAUSE he is trying to make a fire.
- The woman is a witch BECAUSE she looks like she is dressed up/her dress is taller than her feet/ she is wearing green/ she's trying to think of a spell.
- There is a carriage BECAUSE it's shaped like it.
- It looks like they have been together for a long time BECAUSE the woman may have died and that's her grave.
I wonder... AND WHY?
- If the woman died BECAUSE she is in all of the pictures except for the last one.
- If all the people are the same in each picture BECAUSE they look a little bit different in each one.
- How do they get food BECAUSE it looks like they are on an island.
- If the man killed the woman BECAUSE he looks like he wants too.
Before we even arrived home, Reuben had told us all about learning philosophy..he was excited! He explained the 3 main questions to ask yourself when considering a picture, and he's lined us up to "do philosophy on our paintings at home"! ..he's hooked. Love it! From Gabriel