Learning spaces in our classroom aren't just places to sit and be told what to do!! Infact, they are much the opposite. Our philosophy of teaching believes in the child as an active, curious learner, not someone whose intelligence relies on memory.
Each of our learning spaces are designed to be calm, well resourced and aesthetically pleasing. Within each space are artifacts, tools, materials and student work which are inspirational to students. This helps to create a culture of high expectations for student learning, where each student strives and flourishes.
Maths resources and games readily accessible for student use throughout the day. |
Our construction area will be an evolving space this year where the students literally build a community. |
Our learning tree. Our Triciclo inquiry is based around community this year. The students progressed will be documented on the tree. |
The Literacy area is coming along and we can't wait to get some of the students amazing writing up! At the moment we are exhibiting examples of "brave" writing to inspire students to have a go and build confidence in themselves as writers. |
This secluded area is for calm tactile exploration. It serves as a special place where students can come to chill out, find some space alone and think. |
Sorry about the photo quality! This is a mini example of literacy exploration in our classroom. At this stage we don't label everything because it can be a bit overwhelming and loses it's relevance to the student. Every now and then, this diorama will change and vocabulary will be expanded through the scene inside... |
Our beautiful Atelier!!! |
Our gallery is expanding to include the stairwell, look out for some sensational community and family portraits! |
The take home readers are a mix of new and old book, picture story book, non-fiction and student made! We encourage a wide variety of reading for a variety of reasons- We do not level our books because reading is not about what level you are upto!!! |
Our real functioning kitchen is a very exciting place- equipped with sinks, stove, oven and microwave! It doubles as a craft area for making and creating. Later in the year, there will be lots of cooking happening too and (we hope) to be purchasing some prep sized dining tables soon!! |
Our Triciclo library is a quiet area where students can read and relax. Our books are divided into fiction and non-fiction. Some of these books are our very own and others are borrowed from the library! |
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