First Day of School 2015

Friday 30th January 2015 and there were no more sleeps! It was finally the first day of school.

Students were excited and ready to go; there were more tears from parents than from our preps.

Fabienne read a couple of books to start the day as Ebony and Bec showed parents where ‘cheers and tears’ were happening. 

The day started off with Independent Learning Time – ILT – where students choose their own learning activities. These included drawing, dress-ups, the castle, painting, role playing in our ‘palace’, computers, lego, maths shapes and even making playdough with Ebony. 

Students ate their snacks then Bec led a tour of the school, highlighting the important play areas and toilets. 

After eating our snacks, and remembering to save some of our lunchbox goodies for lunchtime, some grade 456 students came down to meet and help our prep students and show them around the playground.

After playtime we had some more ILT time, and students took the opportunity to work with new friends. 

We learnt a new song, Three Little Fishies, and even made up some dance moves to it. We have been practicing it every day.

Next was lunch, and after eating our sandwiches we got to go out to the playground early.

There were some tired souls after lunch, so we had some quiet time, read a book and then did some drawing of our first day of school. 

At 3:30 the bell rang and students ran outside to the waiting paparazzi. There were smiles all round, from students, teachers and parents. It was a very successful first day of school and the teachers are looking forward to the year ahead.
