Merri Creek Celebration

On Wednesday we celebrated our visit to Merri Creek with a celebratory picnic!

In true Tricicolo spirit, we bedded Prep farewell with a glass of lemonade in hand, a traditional ritual dance ordered by Robyn, and a few toasts to inaugurate the special occasion of becoming Grade 1's! 

With sweets and plenty of time to run free, the time at Merri Creek was also an opportunity to thank those parents that have helped and supported our learning throughout the year. We couldn't of had the AMAZING year we've had without all of you - so thank you!! 

A few of the Preps made some really special speeches on the day and we are so sad we didn't get to capture them. Below though are some of their thanks to all of you

"Thank you parents for helping us by solving problems"

"Thank you so much parents for helping the teachers make the picnic"

"Thank you parents for coming and joining us with Merri Creek each week"

"Thank you for doing cooking and reading with us it makes me feel happy inside"

"Thank you for doing sewing with us it has been lots of fun"
