Black Snake Productions

Black Snake Productions

 Sebastian and Rex
Throughout the year the Preps have been extremely curious about animals, in particular endangered animals. This has sparked many learning opportunities including letter writing, researching, the development and creation of the Mallunggang Sanctuary and the school performance. As part of the learning journey we invited Shaun from Black Snake Productions to continue to build on the students passion and knowledge for future research.
"The Masked owl's mask help it to hear."
Shaun's presentation focused on Australian's Vanishing Species. He discussed many different Australian animals and how they came to be endangered.  The students looked at what species are disappearing, the reasons behind vanishing species, the projects underway to help these species and what they can actively do to help.
The animals that the students experienced and observed were: Growling grass frogs, Marry river turtle, Broad shell turtle, Masked owl, Stone country fresh water crocodile, Rough scaled python, Murray darling carpet python, Brush tail possum, Blue tongue lizards, Wallaby joey and Sugar glider.
"Not all snakes are poisonous."
          Kellie the wallaby             Rex the fresh water crocodile
"I didn't know that some turtles were vegetarian, I thought they were all carnivores."
"I didn't know that snakes had hard skin."


"Blue tongue lizards stick their tongue to scare away predators."
"Blue tongue lizard's skin falls off."
 "Seeing a blue tongue lizard to touch because I have only seen it on TV."
"That toads have poison to kill the blue tongue lizards."
"Don't pollute rubbish otherwise the animals will get extinct."
"When you touch animals wash your animals."
"I won't lose my dog because it can hurt wild animals and also mine is a Labrador and it will kill birds."
"Use recycled toilet paper because that means we don't cut trees down and ruin animal's habitats."
